a whole week without a post…whoa… but i’m still practicing. I’m loving my 50D. 🙂 Getting used to holding it as it’s much heavier that the Rebel. I have a couple infant shoots coming up one this week which i’m looking forward too. This little guy is so cute…you’ll see 🙂 Working on getting a portrait shoot together as well. I had one a couple weeks ago with a friend of mine, a very willing and cooperative model so I have her pics to post.
I’m also still practicing with my speedlight, how to bounce, where to bounce, etc. Here are the best two so far…Dontcha just love this model! 🙂 :
The other thing I’m working on is sillohettes and sunflares. I like how these two turned out, but the sun was too low.
I guess the adage is true…practice makes perfect. So a practicin’ i will go! 🙂