…and I hope to have my camera back by then. Yup, no camera. 🙁 I did a session on Nov 21st and on Nov 22nd at another session, the f/stop wouldn’t change, the images wouldn’t rotate on the camera and the LCD panel wasn’t displaying correctly. I called Canon the following Monday and they said I had to send it in for repairs. *sigh* So…I haven’t been taking any pictures for about a week. It feels like an ETERNITY!! I missed photo ops at Dana’s work christmas party why my son touched snakes and a hedgehog and lizards, yet refused to pet the dog or the floppy eared bunny named Shadow 🙂 I missed him sitting on Santa’s knee…but I suppose the bright side is that I’m catching up on my editing. I had 3 sessions and a birthday party in November and the first session is done. I don’t know how wedding photographers do it…editing up to a thousand pictures…MADNESS.
Once my camera returns I’ll be back at it. 🙂